

The 8th year anniversary of KendoNotes.com is coming up.  Unbelievable 🙂

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Periodic Tidbits

  • As expressed by Judith Fein [Fein_Posture]:
    • Forget about bringing your shoulder blades together. Just walk heart first.” The PT’s words resonated with me immediately. Yes. Heart first. A good way to walk and a good way to live.
  • Sumi Masatake (Hanshi 8 dan) from [Sumi_BushizoSeme]
    • Is my seme working or not?  Is my seme enough or not?  You wouldn’t know the answers to such questions.  The shortest path (shortcut) to understand seme is by recognizing if you can sense the seme from another person. (0:50 mins)
      • 攻めが効いたのか、攻めが効いてないのか、攻めが十分なのか、攻めが不十分なのか、攻めが不足しているのかっというのは自分では分からない。従って、攻めを理解するもっとの近道は攻められたということを自覚できるかどうかです。
  • In battles however the other fellow interferes all the time and keeps up-setting things, and the best generals are those who arrive at the results of planning without being tied to plans. – Winston S. Churchill
  • Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. – President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • The whole game is in the core.  And in baseball – pitching in baseball – and hitting a tennis ball and throwing a javelin and throwing a shot put and karate – breaking a brick.  It’s all in the core! – Gary Player, on the golf swing at the 2:07 min mark in “Gary Player’s Best Tip Ever: The CORE!” theory8 Golf, Mar. 18, 2021 (5:04 min).
    • Likely applies to kendo, too 🙂

Fixed Tidbits

Let the neck be free.  Let the head go forward and up.  And let the spine lengthen. – Judith Stransky on the Alexander Technique and what F. Matthias Alexander what would say.

 I am slave to my habits, …  I have surrendered my free will to the years of accumulated habits and the past deeds of my life have already marked out a path which threatens to imprison my future.Og Mandino from The Greatest Salesman in the World

The quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits. With the same habits, you will end up with the same results. But with better habits, anything is possible. – James Clear

Most of us spend most our lives feeling like we are the thinker of our thoughts.   Where is this thinker?  Isn’t there only the next thought that arises?  – Sam Harris at the 22:57 min mark of “Waking Up with Sam Harris – Looking for the Self (26 Minute Meditation) (26:16mins)”

The day you decide that you are more interested in being aware of your thoughts than you are in the thoughts themselves – that is the day you will find your way out. – Michael Singer

Many people think that they experience life by thinking thoughts.  That is not true.  Thoughts are experienced like color, sounds and sensations. – Unknown wise one from Germany

Normally, one takes years or decades to arrive at anything like steady and spontaneous in-seeing. Nevertheless the method is quite simple and the same throughout. It consists of ceasing to overlook the looker – or rather, the absence of the looker. – Douglas Harding, p. 26,  On Having No Head.