Kendo-related Quotes

Here’s a collection of kendo-related quotes arranged by the general topic areas of Mechanics, Techniques, the Mind, Additional Topics, Quotes from Teachers and Links to Quotes from Other Websites.  The detailed breakdown is as follows:

  • Mechanics
    • Kamae (Posture, Lower Torso, Upper Torso, Left Side, Hands, Left Hand)
    • Breathing
    • Striking (datotsu)
    • Suri-ashi
    • Fumikomi
    • Tenouchi and Sae
    • Kihaku, Kiai
    • Suburi
  •  Techniques
    • Learning
    • The Fundamentals
    • On Taking the Center
    • Debana Waza
    • Ouji Waza (suri-age, men kaeshi-dou)
    • Kiri-otoshi
    • Importance of the Shinogi
    • Practice in and out of the Dojo
    • When Practicing with Weaker or Young Opponents
  • The Mind
    • Seeing
    • Okori (起こり)
    • Strategy and Mindset
    • Studying the Opponent
    • On Moving In (to Uchima)
    • When to Strike
    • Opportunities to Strike
    • Seme
    • Tame (TBD)
    • Hikidashi
    • Zanshin
    • Mushin
    • Sicknesses and Cures of the Mind
    • Journey and Spirit
    • Etiquette
    • Character, Wisdom
  • Additional Topics:
    • Shinsa
    • Breakdown of a Kendo Match
    • Aging in Kendo
  • Teachers:
    • Ogawa Chutaro (Hanshi 9 dan)
    • Matsumoto Toshio (Hanshi 9 dan)
    • Morishima Tateo (Hanshi 8 dan)
    • Inoue Yoshihiko (Hanshi, 8 dan)
  • Links to websites with more quotes

I plan to update this from time to time as I come across “new” ones.  Enjoy!

Updated:  Jan 19, 2024, added quotes on Kiri-otoshi. and quotes from Koyama Masahiro (Kyoshi 8 dan).  Oct. 9, 2023, added quotes on suburi, suri-ashi, suri-age waza, okori and the importance of the shinogi.  Oct 1, 2023, added quotes on Studying the Opponent, On Moving in (to Uchima), Hikidashi and Breakdown of a Kendo Match. Sept 25, 2023, added quotes from Kamei Toru (Hanshi 8 dan) and Tani Katsuhiko (Hanshi 8 dan) on kamae.  Aug 13, 2023, added quotes by Ichiki Sensei and Sueno Sensei on taking the center and by Geoff Salmon Sensei on kihaku.  Oct 21, 2022, added quotes by Matsumoto Toshio (Hanshi 9th dan), Iwatate Saburo, (Hanshi 8th dan), Ueda Daisuke (6 dan) and Sekikawa Tadaaki (Kyoshi 8 dan) on the left knee.  Aug 20, 2022, added quotes from [Youshinkan_StudyRoom].  Aug 7, 2022, added quotes from Ishihara Kazuyuki, (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Kendojidai_IshiharaRead].  July 31, 2022, added quotes from Watanabe Kazuteru (6th dan) [Kendojidai_Watanabe]. May 8, 2022, added quotes from K sensei [KendoStepUp_Debana].  Apr 14, 2022, added a quote from [Hakudo_WhyMen?].  Apr 8, 2022, added quotes from the Sensei’s: Onda Kouji, Miyato Nobuyuki and Nabeyama Takahiro and reorganized the sections on Kamae and Striking.  Dec. 6, 2021, added a quote on the floating log (浮き木).  Nov. 17, 2021, added a quote from Yamada Hidenori (8 dan, Hanshi) on Nov 17, 2021.  On Nov. 2, 2021, added a quote from Matsuzaki Kenshiro Senshu.  On Oct 25, 2021, added a reference to quotes by Ogawa Chutaro Sensei from [Kenshi247_100Keiko].  On Oct. 24, 2021, added a quote on ouji-waza by Koda Kunihide Sensei. On Oct 3, 2021, added quotes from Moriyama Ryuusei [Moriyama_DebanaMen], Terry Holt sensei, p. 18 of [Holt_KendoGuide] and Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Koda_PostureKamae] [Koda_Grip].  On June 5, 2021, added quotes from Furusawa Nobuaki [Kendojidai_Furusawa]. On Apr 4, 2021, added a qoute from Inoue Yoshihiko sensei.  On Jan 16, 2020 with more quotes from Yamaoka Tesshu and Katsu Kaishu. On Nov 10, 2019 with quotes from Yagyu Munenori.  On Oct 23, 2019 with quotes from Muto Kazuhiro (Kyoshi 8 dan) and a link to  On May 29, 2019 with a new section of quotes on “Character, Wisdom”.


Kamae – Posture

  • One must achieve a posture free from tension and strain and one from which complete freedom of movement is possible. Noma Hisashi [Noma, p. 14]
  • In all bujutsu it is essential to make the everyday stance the combat stance and the combat stance the everyday stance. – Miyamoto Musashi [Noma, p. 14]
  • In actuality, “good posture” in budo (martial arts) is the “natural posture”. Rather than a (tight) posture of “At Attention!” it should be a posture from which one can move at any time [Hakudoh_Posture].
    • 実は、武道で言う「良い姿勢」というのは「自然体」のことです。これは、「気をつけの姿勢」とは反対に「いつでも動ける」姿勢でなくてはなりません。
  • The most important thing is to be in a position where you can strike at any time. – Iwatate Saburo, (Hanshi 8th dan) [Kendojidai_IwatateKihon1].
  • First, it is necessary to maintain a posture that allows you to always be ready to strike. – Watanabe Kazuteru (6 Dan) [Kendojidai_Watanabe].
  • Regarding Kamae, there are two things I pay attention to: (1) always being prepared to strike and (2) assuming a Kamae which pressures my opponent.  In order to always be ready to strike, the lower body is important. In particular, you need to pay attention to the position of your feet. – Iwashita Tomohisa (7th dan) [KendoJidai_IwashitaOpps]
  • A perfect posture means being prepared to respond to any situation that may arise.Saito Yuichi (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_SaitoOpps]
  • Tani Katsuhiko (Hanshi 8 dan)  [KendoJidai_TaniKamae]
    • Something which I look for in a good Kamae, is not putting too much strength into it.  However, there should be strength where it is needed.  I think a good Kamae is both strong and flexible.  (3:01 min)
  • George McCall sensei [Kenshi247_Kamae]
    • The prerequisite of beautiful kendo is a beautiful kamae.
    • Only once your kamae is correct can this lead to execution of correct technique (and thus “beautiful” kendo).
  • Muto Kazuhiro (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Shudokai_2016]
    • Kendo starts and ends with kamae. 
    • Kakari-geiko and kirikaeshi are a tough part of kendo training, but doing it a lot gives you power in your tanden (lower abdominal region) and cultivates a strong kamae. …
    • It’s not only kakari-geiko or kirikaeshi, however, but all tough experiences in your life that help you nurture this power, or presence, in your kamae. 
    • You shouldn’t think of work and kendo as being separate things.  … Use the other experiences from your life to help bolster your kendo.
  • Toru Kamei (Hanshi 8 dan) at the 5:45 min mark of [KendoJidai_Kamei1]
    • Even when moving, you should assume a stance which allows you to strike at any moment.
  • Sato Makoto (Kyoshi 8 dan) at the 1:17 min mark of [Sato_SemePart2]
    • Pull in your chin, open your chest, extend your spine and insert your hips.
    • 顎を引いて胸を張って背中をピンと伸ばして腰を入れて

Kamae – Lower Torso

Kamae – Feet

  • Furusawa Nobuaki [Kendojidai_Furusawa]
    • It is said that the height at which the heels float should be one toe on the left and as if stepping on a thin sheet of paper on the right.  When the heels touch the floor in competitive scenarios, there is a high risk of becoming immobile.
    • The heels of both feet should not rest on the floor and should be ready for use.
  • Watanabe Kazuteru (6 Dan) [Kendojidai_Watanabe]
    • I make sure I don’t lift my left heel too high when striking;  if I do, my knee gets bent and my strike loses vigor. To combat this, I place my weight at the top middle of my arch instead of the very front of my foot.
      • (Editor’s Note:  I tend to notice the higher rear heel in younger people and the much lower rear heel in those at higher levels e.g., 7th, 8th Dan)
  • When closing the distance with the opponent, I focus on gripping the floor with my feet. – Saito Yuichi (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_SaitoOpps]

Kamae – Legs

  • Matsumoto Toshio sensei talked about the sole of the left foot being at a 15% angle from the floor, with the left leg being almost straight and keeping a feeling of tension behind the left knee. – Geoff Salmon (7 dan), [KendoInfo_LeftFoot].
  • The back of the left knee must be tense. – Matsumoto Toshio (Hanshi 9th Dan) [KendoInfo MatsumotoFootwork].
  • Extend the knee cavity of the left leg moderately. – Iwatate Sabufumikomiro, (Hanshi 8th dan) [Kendojidai_IwatateKihon1].
  • I always keep my heel low and keep tension on the back of my knee (in the context of the left leg). – Ueda Daisuke (6 dan) [KendoJidai_OkoriPart2]
  • I try to keep my knees extended and not bent any more than necessary. – Sekikawa Tadaaki (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Kendojidai_Sekikawa].
  • You can hit in one beat by activating your left leg by gripping the floor firmly with your midfoot and keeping your knee engaged. – Higashi Yoshimi (Hanshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_HigashiTenouchi]
    • (Editor’s note:  Many teachers advise placing the weight on the midfoot of the left foot.)

Kamae – Upper Torso

  • Remove the tension from your shoulders.
    • 肩の力を抜いて (katano chikarawo nuite) as Yokoyama Naoya (横山直也) sensei would often remind me many years ago.
  • Miyato Nobuyuki (Kyoshi 8 dan) on “How to Create Your Kamae” from [KendoJidai_Miyato]
    • I think it’s important to first try and relax your upper body.  … I think the easiest thing to understand when teaching is to do some jumping on the spot.  Repeat the jump with a relaxed body, and your leg position will naturally have the correct center of gravity.
    • When your upper body is tense, your legs naturally widen. If you’re relaxed you’ll have the right leg-Kamae.
  • Tani Katsuhiko (Hanshi 8 dan)  [KendoJidai_TaniKamae]
    • When assuming Kamae, it should feel like you are ‘placing’ your upper body on top of your lower body. (8:37 min)
      • 下半身の足の形に上半身を乗せる感じで構えてみたいと思います。
  • Toru Kamei (Hanshi 8 dan) at the 6:17 min mark of [KendoJidai_Kamei1]:
    • Remove strength from your shoulders and arms up to your elbow.

Kamae – Left Side

It is interesting to notice that many 8 dan sensei’s emphasize the left side.  This is probably VERY important.  For more information beyond the quotes below, I’d recommend reading the section “剣道の要は左に有り” (The cornerstone of kendo is in the left side) in this excellent article [Youshinkan_StudyRoom].

  • Higashi Yoshimi (Hanshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_Higashi]
    • I think that I’d like to try a kamae that is centered on the left hand, left hip and left leg.
      • 構えは、左手、左腰、左足を中心とする、乗るという構えをやって見てと思います。
      • (Editor’s Note:  According to Ted Imoto Sensei, Yamaguchi Takeshi (7th Dan) gave similar similar instructions.)
  • Ishihara Kazuyuki, (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Kendojidai_IshiharaRead]
    • The left hand, left hip, and left foot must be one.
    • Kurasawa Teruhiko Sensei (Hanshi 9th Dan) once taught me, “To perform the technique you want to land, you must stabilize your left hand.
    • I was told by Amishiro Tadahiro Sensei (Hanshi 8th Dan) at a certain Keiko session, “The left hand and the left hip should be one”.  He told me to keep my left hand on my left hip.
      • The position of the left hand becomes one with the left hip to stabilize the Kamae.
    • In addition, a major point is to keep tension in the upper left buttock. If you are conscious of this area, your knee cavity will be properly extended, and the left half of your body will be in a position to strike at any time.
  • Watanabe Kazuteru (6 Dan) [Kendojidai_Watanabe]
    • As I take up Kamae, I consciously maintain a line between my left hand, left hip and my left foot.
    • My left hand holds the Shinai firmly, my Kamae is in the center, and my left hip and left foot are always pointed at the opponent.
      • If your left hip or left foot are directed elsewhere, you lose jumping capacity and your posture will fall open as you strike.
      • I find that if your left hip and left foot are pointed at the opponent, you can easily jump from wherever you are and you can maintain proper posture even after your strike.
  • Onda Kouji (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_Onda]
    • When taking kamae, hold your shinai as if gently holding a sheet of paper under your left arm. This will solidify your left body properly and will make sure that your left fist is in front of your belly button. If you apply this approach without disturbing your own posture, your seme will become effective.  Tighten your left side and don’t let your kensen move away from your opponent’s body at all costs.
  • Editor’s Note:  The quotes “On using the back when striking” in the section “Striking (datotsu)” seem quite related.

Kamae – Hands

  • Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan)
    • Face the palms of your hands upwards.  As if you would scoop up water.  If you do this, your armpits will tighten up slightly. – at 0:36 of [Koda_Grip].
    • If you imagine scooping water with your hands, your armpits will close up naturally. – at 2:06 of [Koda_Grip].
    • (Editor’s note:  explaining how to position the hands, elbow and arms in kamae)

Kamae – The Left Hand

  • You hold with your left (hand) and hit with your left.  左で持つ、左で打つ– Kaku Sensei [KendoInfo_LeftHand]
  • When it comes to the upper body, stability of the left hand is very important.Miyato Nobuyuki (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_Miyato]
  • Saito Yuichi (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_SaitoOpps]
    • To respond accurately to an opponent’s Seme or strike, I believe that the position of the left hand is crucial.
    • In addition, another teacher warned me about the left hand moving during the exchange of Seme. When the left hand moves, it indicates that a rhythm is being established during the exchange of Seme. If a rhythm is established, there is a possibility that the timing of the strike will be exposed to the opponent. From these experiences, I believe that keeping the left hand in the correct position is extremely important.
  • Shimamura Tsuyoshi (8 dan) [Kendojidai_Shimamura]
    • A certain teacher once told me, “The left hand is the heart. If your left hand is moving all over the place, it is a sign that your mind is also moving. You must keep your left hand in check.” The left hand is the cornerstone of Kamae. If it crumbles, your Seme and attacks will not lead to Ippon.  Furthermore, if your opponent tries to attack, you will only be able to defend yourself.


  • Tsuchida Keisuke (Renshi 6th dan) [KendoJidai_Footwork]
    • After I became aware of fullness of my breathing through the lower abdomen (always maintaining a state of abdominal pressure), the rise and fall of my center of gravity subsided in my movements, and I was able to maintain a state of a relaxed upper body and solid lower body.  Until then, I had been breathing with my lungs, which raised my center of gravity…
    • I had been instructed by teachers before that “kamae is inherent to breathing.”

Striking (datotsu)

  • On using the left hand when striking
    • When you strike, push your right hand up with your left hand.  Do not pull it (the shinai) with your right hand.  – Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) at 5:35 of [Koda_PostureKamae]
    • Push the shinai up with your left hand, do not pull it up with the right. The right hand should be relaxed at all times except at the bottom of the swing when it twists in to stop the movement. – Terry Holt sensei, p. 18 of [Holt_KendoGuide]
    • From the Youshinkan Dojo (Vancouver, Canada) [Youshinkan_StudyRoom]
      • When swinging down the shinai from above the head, imagine striking the opponent’s head with your left fist.
        • 頭上に振り上げた竹刀を振り下ろす時は左拳で相手の額を打ちつける気持ちで打つ.
      • When swinging down the shinai, there is an oft mis-understood teaching of “squeezing (shibori) the hands” with the thumbs.  However, that is incorrect.  Squeezing means placing the ball of the pinky finger of both hands on the shinai and squeezing the pinkies.  The thumbs are extended forward slightly.
        • 竹刀を振り下ろす時、「手を絞れ!」という教えをよく勘違いして、両手の親指を絞り込む事があるが、これは間違いである。絞るという事は、両手の小指球を竹刀の上に乗せて、小指を絞め、親指を心持ち前に出すようにする
  • On interlocking the left hand and right foot in kamae when striking
    • Miyato Nobuyuki [Kyoshi 8 dan] on “Striking” from [KendoJidai_Miyato]
      • The most important thing I value in my footwork is the interlocking of my left hand and right foot.
      • It is important to attack with the correct Kamae and in order to do so it is important to interlock the left hand and the right foot, not the right hand and the right foot.
      • (Editor comment:  When I try this out, it feels right)
  • On using the back when striking:
    • It’s probably best to watch the video to understand these quote:
      • With a big movement, while keeping your shoulders loose, bring your hands together with the palms facing upward (stretching the hands above, drawing the wings of an angel in the air and placing the hands in front of the body).  And go into kamae like this. While breathing in air and without spilling the water you collected, bring your hands up like this. By doing this, you can become aware of your back.  You can become conscious of your shoulder blades while moving your hands upward.  The same applies when you make a strike. – Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) at 1:02 of [Koda_Grip].
      • Don’t strike with your arms.  Instead, strike from your back using this (pointing to his left side rib area). – Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) at 1:32 of [Koda_Grip]. 腕で打つのじゃなくて、背中からこう使って打つわけですね。)
    • With regards to the upper torso, rather than hitting with the arms, I have the image of hitting strongly moving forward from the shoulder area, shoulder blades (scapula) and back (of the body). Matsuzaki Kenshiro Senshu at the 2:56 min mark of  [Matsuzaki_TobikomiMen]
      • 上半身に関しては、あんまりこう腕先でことぶかせようというふうにするよりは、肩あたり、肩甲骨、背中の方から しっかりこう前へ乗せて打つイメージ持ってやっています。
      • The subtitle displays the abbreviated translation:  I focus on using my back and shoulder muscles to hit from the top.
  • On using the body (and heart) in general when striking
    • From Koyama Masahiro (小山正洋 Kyoshi 8 dan) [Koyama_Sae]
      • Rather than going in to strike (with the arm and upper body as he demonstrates), it is with the legs, strongly with the legs, – at the 1:55 min mark
        • これはうちに行くんじゃなくて足で足でしっかり
    • Just forget your arms and strike with the foot, then forget your foot and strike with the hips.  Then forget the hips and strike with your heart.
      • From an 8th dan sensei as recorded by Markus in his comments “Forget your arms!” in [Kendo-Guide_Muscles].
    • When we are moving in to attack, we should move using our waist. It should feel like you are pushing forward with your entire body. – Onda Kouji (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_Onda]
    • When I strike, I start the movement from the lower half of my body.  If I panic and hit solely with my hands, I break my posture and my strike loses power. – Watanabe Kazuteru (6 Dan) [Kendojidai_Watanabe].
  • On maintaining kamae while entering just before striking
    • Nishimura Hidehisa (Multiple-time AJKF Champion) [Tozando_Nishimura2]
      • The fastest men can be done only if you can close in the distance without getting your move noticed. at 3:11 min
        • … he (Takanabe sensei) doesn’t get his move noticed easily when he hits men and so you feel it’s fast. at 3:35 min
      • At the instant of striking, do not put any power in, relax your upper body.
        • 打つ瞬間に、力を入らないで… at 3:43 min
      • Focus on your feet (legs).  Drive yourself forward with your feet (legs)! at 3:50 min.
    • Slide the right foot forward and hold back until the last possible moment before the moving the hands. [Seiyukan_Hands]
      •  右足を滑らせ入り、ぎりぎりまで手の動きを我慢すること.
      • Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) teaches this, too, and advises holding the hands in place until the forward foot begins to go downwards during the fumikomi [Koda_ShinsaDVD].
  • Mechanics of the Strike
    • So, for initiating the shinai swing, first use the hip as the fulcrum (rotational axis), then the shoulder, elbow, wrist and finally the center of gravity of the shinai.  That is, when the whole body is used as a whip and the final power is injected into the shinai tip, a very powerful datotsu (strike) can be made. [Hakudoh_Sae].
      • Editor’s translation of ですから、竹刀の振り出しはまずは腰を最初の回転軸とし、そこから回転軸を肩に移し、次に肘へ手首へと移して、最後は竹刀の重心点を中心に振るように、すなわち身体全体をムチのように使って最終の力を竹刀の剣先に加えてゆくと、非常に威力のある打突が可能になります.
  • On the back foot (left foot for chuudan kamae)
    • Nabeyama Takahiro (Kyoshi 8 dan) from [KendoJidai_PerfectMen]
      • When mastering the Men technique, the most important thing is to keep your left foot in a position which would enable you to strike Men at all times.
      • In order to strike men from Kamae, you have to be prepared to jump at any moment. This is where the left foot becomes vital. … In my case, I put my center of gravity on my left leg while keeping my right foot afloat slightly. With the feeling of letting the right leg hang down from the hip joint, I maintain the preparation so I can strike at any time.
      • Editor’s Note:  This seems very related to the footwork described by Nakamura Sensei in the section entitled “Fumikomi”.
  • On timing the strike with the hikitsuke
    • One strikes the men which is timed with the power of the left foot follow-up (hikitsuke)Yamada Hironori (Hanshi 8 dan), [KendoNihon_Yamada, p.39].  そうして、左足をつける力を合わせて面を打つ。
  • On Striking with Abandon
    • For every strike, I try to strike with the image of piercing through with abandon. Therefore, the sharpness of the footwork when striking is essential. – Saito Yuichi (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_SaitoOpps]


  • Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Koda_Footwork]
    • Instead of thinking of moving your legs, imagine moving your body by moving your center of gravity. (2:25 min)
    • Imagine moving your spine towards your opponent while keeping it (vertically) straight. (3:05 min)
      • (Editor’s note:  I like how he holds the shinai vertically to represent the spine.  It helps me visualize that I’m moving my spine forward.)


  • Rather than pushing the body forward quickly and strongly with the left leg, the sensation is a slight push where the extended right leg (at the instant it lands) pulls the body’s center of gravity forward.  The point is, rather than jumping to strike at the instant to strike, the feeling is as if the right leg pulls the body forward.  With this approach, the Achilles tendon is unburdened.Nakamura sensei [Nakamura_HealingKendo]
  • …feel the tension in your lower abdomen.  … you don’t want the tension to come into your shoulders.  You want to be striking with your lower body – Alex Bennett sensei at  (5:10-5:16mins) in [KendoWorld_Fumikomi].
  • It’s not good to raise your front foot up too much when stamping.  Aim for your foot to skim across the floor. – Takano Shigeyoshi Hanshi, Pointer #14 from [Kenshi247_Takano50] (a must read article!).

Tenouchi and Sae

  • See [KendoNotes_Tenouchi] for quotes on tenouchi.
  • Some think that when people make powerful strikes it is because they are physically strong.  This is not the reason.  It is because they are using their body efficiently, and making the wrist snap.  They have a good balance between the left and right arms.  Importantly, they only use the muscles that are needed while the other parts are relaxed.  There is no unnecessary power. – Muto Kazuhiro (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Shudokai_2016]

Kihaku, Kiai

  • If your opponent’s kihaku is at the level of 100, yours should be at 150.  If your opponent’s at 150, yours should be at 200. – Chiba Masashi (Hanshi 8 dan) [Shudokai_2016]


  • Hashimoto Keiichi (7th dan) at the 7:06 min mark of  [Hashimoto_Suburi]
    • We return to kamae after the strike in suburi.  However, many people tend to have their shinai tip (kensaki) waver and to relax while returning to chuudan kamae.  I was told last year to hold the kensaki properly (without wavering nor relaxing) while returning to kamae.
    • 中段に戻る時にほぼ同じ位置に戻るんですけれどもその時に剣先がぶれてここで休んで気を溜めて置かないで休んでしまう人がけっこう多いと思います。僕は一昨年ぐらいに言われたのは「面」しっかりし剣先に溜め込んで下がる。
    • Kunitomo Sensei described the same thing during his AUSKF seminar in Feb. 2023 in L.A..
  • Use your shoulder blades and back muscles to swing (the shinai)[Hatena_SuburiUp] (I couldn’t find the name of the author).
    • 肩甲骨と背筋を使って振る



  • Train slow and work up to it.  It’s easy to practice things wrong.  The temptation is always there to start practicing harder, faster and more intensely than your technique is ready for.  Don’t give in.  Practice right so you truly learn how to do the techniques and master your art.Peter Boylan [Boylan_Slow]
  • The joy of kendo is not found in striking one’s opponent.  It is found in the complex and mutlifaceted process leading up to the execution of a technique. – Shigematsu Kimiaki (Kyoshi 8-dan) from [Shigematsu_KendoMind]

The Fundamentals

  • Muto Kazuhiro (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Shudokai_2016]
    • Straight kendo will eventually make you strong.  If you are doing wonky kendo when you are young, maybe you can strike a successful ippon, but if you carry on like this, you will eventually be unable to strike successfully and need to resort to using tricks to win.
    • Straight kendo trumps all, eventually.

On Taking the Center

  • Try holding down a log floating on the surface of the water with a long pole.  Though the log sinks briefly, it quickly evades (the pole) and rises back to the surface of the water. The tip of the sword (kensaki) must also be like this floating log (浮き木 – ukigi). – Abeni1268 (アベニ1268) [Abeni_FloatingLog]
    • 水面に浮いた木片を長い棒で押さえてみる。木片は、一旦沈むがするりとかわして再び水面に浮かび上がる。剣先も、この浮き木のようでなければならない。
    • Thanks to Tamano sensei for pointing out this technique to me.
  • With regards to pressuring each other (seme-ai) at the sword tips, rather than taking the center and then striking, it is important to take the center when you strike. [Hakudoh_Center].
    • Editor’s translation of 「剣先の攻め合いというのは、中心を取って打ち込むのではなく、打ち込むときに中心を取っていることが大事です」
  • Sueno Eiji (Hanshi 8 dan) at the 3:20 min mark of [Bushizo_SuenoCenter]
    • It becomes harder to execute a hit if you obsess too much over taking the chushin. The reason why you want to take chushin in the first place is because you want to hit.  So I place more emphasis on the hit instead.  So the chushin is not the priority.
  • Ichiki Yougen (8 Dan) at the 0:26 min mark of [Ichiki_TakingCenter]
    • When facing a person with firm hands (手元 temoto), respond with softness.  When facing a person with soft, flexible hands, respond with firmness and power.

Debana Waza

  • I think one of the real thrills of Kendo is Debana timing.  If you can capture the moment when the other person tries to move, it will be an Ippon that everyone will recognize. – Furusawa Nobuaki [Kendojidai_Furusawa]
  • Former police instructor Sato Hirohisa (hachidan hanshi) told me that the secret to striking in kendo is to aim for the debana opportunity. The chance to strike debana is there only for an instant. – Onda Kouji (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_Onda]
  • Moriyama Ryuusei [Moriyama_DebanaMen]
    • Closing the distance without your opponent noticing is the theme (in the context of Debana Men). – at the 2:44 min
      • 相手にばれずに距離を盗むと言うのがテーマです。
    • When I am pulling back (to draw the other in) or stepping forward, I look for micro-movements that my opponent makes just before he/she is about to execute a waza.  That’s when I hit.  3:05
    • (There is little risk of getting hit.)  It’s quite difficult for my opponent to dodge my strike when he/she is in the middle of executing a waza.  So I aim for the moment that the opponent tries to hit. 3:35
  • K sensei [KendoStepUp_Debana]
    • This is an excellent video to watch.  The author narrates the video in both English and Japanese.
    • There are four opportunities to hit.  The first is the moment when the opponent wants to hit you (debana).  (2:52 mins)
    • Why should you hit at that moment? (4:44 mins)
      • Because at that moment, … when the opponent wants to hit you (“I want to win, I want to strike”), he (or she) doesn’t think about guarding him or herself.
    • The following is the most important point of debana (5:56 mins)
      • You should initiate the attack just before the opponent starts to move.
    • Caution.  However, many kendo players misunderstand debana. 
      • It plays out like this.  “I can see that the opponent has started to move.  Now I will strike.”
      • No, this is too late.  If you start to strike after the opponent starts to move, you will lose.
  • Shimamura Tsuyoshi (8 dan) [Kendojidai_Shimamura]
    • In the case of Debana-waza, we need to make the opponent feel like they can strike in order for us to seize the opening. … I do not always take the center, but I try to have an attitude that says,if you move, I will strike you.
    • Use gentle Seme to make your opponent feel like it is safe to attack and strike them as they start to move.

Ouji Waza

Ouji Waza in General

  • Another important point is to release muscle power (tension) when receiving the opponent’s shinai. …  When we receive the opponent’s shinai, when we perform kaeshi or suri-age with the opponent’s shinai, the power (tension in the arms) must be absent.Koda Kunihide Sensei at 11:12 min of [Koda_KaeshiDou2]
    • そして号一つ注意したいのは,相手の竹刀を受ける場合も力を抜くということで. … 相手の竹刀を 受けたり返したりあるいは擦りあげる時も力は抜いていないといけない。よく見られますのが受け止める時に力が入っ昆布力が入っていません.
  • Hayashi Kunio (Hanshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_HayashiOpps1]
    • Oji-waza is a technique in which you pressure and draw out your opponent.
    • It is well known that Oji-waza will not be successful if you wait for the opponent to strike. The best way to get the opponent to strike is … to create an opening for the opponent to strike.

Suri-Age Waza

  • Koda Sensei [Koda_MenOjiWaza]
    • Make a slight surigae in the middle of your strike.  Don’t try to strike after the suriage. (3:46 min)
    • So when your opponent is attacking, your right foot must be moving already.  (3:32 min)

Men Kaeshi-Dou


  • From Yuji Yabuki soke [Yabuki_Kiriotoshi]:
    • (I)n kendo you hit after receiving the opponent’s attack. And this, no matter how fast you do it, is always two movements – Itto-ryu’s technique is one.
      • We have in Itto-ryu a teaching that states ‘One is victory, two is defeat’: we are looking for a movement that has no origin and no stop, a perfectly round movement like a circle with no beginning and no end.”
      • Kiriotoshi is the best example of how to condense various movements in one beat.
    • Kiriotoshi is a technique guaranteed to kill but at the same time it cuts away the practitioner’s own malicious thoughts and polishing his mind and body.
      • “Sasamori sensei would teach kiriotoshi as a ‘round and soft technique’ and he would also say that ‘a circle is an aggregate of pointed angles’: hidden in the round and soft circle are sharp techniques.”  (Quoting Takemi Sasamori soke)

Importance of the Shinogi

  • Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_KodaTenouchi].
    • If you can perform Kendo using the Shinogi, your offense and defense will never end in defense, but will always lead to techniques.
      • In today’s Kendo, there is a tendency to separate offense and defense. For example, when an opponent strikes Men, if the opponent receives the attack with the blade rather than with the Shinogi, their Kamae will get disrupted and the effectiveness of Suriage- and Kaeshi-waza will diminish, making it impossible to move on to offense.
      • The problem is that the offense and defense are interrupted in the middle. If you can respond to the opponent’s technique using the Shinogi, you can immediately turn to attack and create an opportunity for a strike.
    • In order to use Shinogi, the first thing to keep in mind is to have a soft and correct grip on the Shinai and to not move your left hand too much.
      • If the left hand is firmly in its proper place, the opponent’s technique will be suppressed by the Shinogi. If your left hand is ineffective, your Kamae will be disrupted and you will only be able to receive the opponent’s techniques.
    • The Ippon that responds flexibly and turns to attack using the Shinogi are called “Genmyou na Waza”.

The Practice in and out of the Dojo

  • Many people think that they cannot practise if they do not go to the Dojo, but this is incorrect.  Even during everyday conversations you can practise breathing methods. … Holding the strap (of your bag or sword case) while on the train is a way to practise Tenouchi. …  plant your feet down and utilize your Koshi in such a way that you have a stable posture even if the train shakes.  Devising such small ways to practise transforms your everyday lifestyle into a Dojo. – Chihiro Kishimoto (Iaido Hanshi 8 dan) [Kishimoto]
  • I firmly believe that the way that you behave and move in Iai does not specially change from the way that you behave and move in your daily life.  This applies to when you sit down, stand up, change direction, walk and anything else that you do when a guest comes to your house – the only difference is that you have a sword in your belt and that you draw and re-sheathe your sword.Shizufumi Ishido (Kendo Kyoshi 7 dan, Iaido Hanshi 8 dan, Jodo Kyoshi 8 dan) [Ishido]
  • Winning and losing is a game of a moment. Promotion is a sign of a temporary start. Plain practice is the bread of life.– Sumi Masatake (Hanshi 8 dan) [FLKWW_Sumi].
  • Under duress, we do not rise to our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. – Bruce Lee
  • More quotes related to “practice” are listed in the Section “On Practice” in [KendoNotes_ShinsaShiai].

When Practicing with Weaker or Young Opponents

  • Schoolboys and girls have not yet established physical strength so there is no point in using power. It is important to strike in the perfect moment and strike without power – however this is not easy.  – Kobayashi Hideo (8 dan) [Kendojidai_Iwao]
  • When practicing with weaker opponents, take that opportunity to practice seme, creating opportunities to strike and striking at the right time. – Shoraku Takao sensei (7 Dan Kyoshi) (My translation and recollection of his advice to me.)

The Mind


  • If you are caught by a single leaf, you cannot see the tree.  If you are caught by a single tree, you cannot see the forest.  By seeing without fixing your attention anywhere, you can see everything. – Takuan Soho from [KendoChuudoku_Enzan]
    • 一枚の葉にとらわれては木は見えん 一本の木にとらわれては森は見えん。 どこにも心を留めず見るともなく全体を見る。- 沢庵和尚
  • There are two types of “Seeing”.  Strengthen the eyes for kan (intuition, seeing with the heart) and weaken the eyes for looking (vision).  See far-away things close and see close things far.  This is foremost in the art of war. – Miyamoto Musashi from the Book of Five Rings (Editor’s note:  This was a tough translation and may be off)
    • 観見の二つあり、観の目つよく、見の目よわく、遠き所を近く見、近き所を遠く見ること、兵法の専なりり。- 宮本武蔵「五輪書」水之巻より
  • An old teaching says that as soon as you open your eyes you begin to err. This means that you become attached to where you focus your gaze.  For example  . . .  If you look at the opponent’s hands your attention will be directed to his hands and if you look to his feet, you(r) attention will be drawn to his feet. In this situation you resemble an empty house. A thief could steal into an empty house, as there is no master at home to prevent it.  Therefore keep a broad view and avoid fixated vision. – Izawa Banryuo (Samurai from the Tokugawa period) [Noma, PDF p.36].
  • Enzan no metsuke allows you to strike naturally and instinctively. However, it is hard to apply and maintain; it is very easy to get distracted and focus on the opponent’s eyes, where you are going to hit, the Kensaki or the hands.  If you are able to use Enzan no Metsuke during a fight, it means you are relaxed and self-assured. This is why it is useful to reset and focus on seeing the opponent in their entirety if you notice you feel rushed or panicked. – Ishihara Kazuhiko Sensei (rank is unlisted) [KendoJidai_IshiharaRemoving]
  • Your eyes should not be focussed on a single point. You should watch your opponent’s entire body, which is called Enzan No Metsuke (looking at a far mountain). It should feel as if you are looking down on your opponent. – Kurita Waichiro (Hanshi 8 Dan) [KendoJidai_KuritaTenouchi]

Okori (起こり)

  • Watanabe Kazuteru (6 dan) [KendoJidai_OkoriPart2]
    • Okori is the moment when your opponent stirs to make a move.
    • You will be too late if you try to strike after visually processing that your opponent is about to strike. To be able to grasp Okori, you have to feel the Okori within the other and be ready to strike as the other person is about to strike.
    • In order to seize the opponent’s Okori as your own opportunity, you can’t wait until after the opponent starts moving. I always think ahead, create opportunities to strike on my own terms and continuously apply Seme, so I can feel when my opponent is about to respond to my Seme and give my own response.
    • I also am never afraid to be hit.
  • Ito Harufumi (Hanshi 8 dan) from [Kendojidai_ItoHarufumi
    • Seme is important as the first step to capture the Okori. Without Seme, there is no moving of the mind and action.
  • Sekikawa Tadaaki (Kyoshi 8 dan) [Kendojidai_Sekikawa].
    • An important aspect to Okori is synchronizing with the opponent in order to capture an opportunity.
    • You have to get into aiki with the opponent, read the opponent’s thoughts as you are in mutual Seme, and strike at his or her Debana when they show an intention to strike. During this process, rather than waiting for an opportunity, you create it yourself by taking the initiative and putting pressure on the opponent; stirring their body and mind like this is the process of Okori.
  • Kajiwara Daisuke (6 dan) [KendoJidai_OkoriPart1]
    • In order to seize the Okori of the heart, it is important to feel. This is why I always make sure that my Shinai is touching my opponent’s Shinai. The Shinai tend to naturally touch as you fight for control of the center, but by consciously touching their Shinai, you can feel the opponent’s Ki. If you feel that they want to strike, you can capture the Okori of their heart.
  • Ueda Daisuke (6 dan) [KendoJidai_OkoriPart2]
    • Like it is taught in Kendo, having a “gaze fixed upon a faraway mountain” allows you to see and take the opponent in completely.
    • Even if you are able to grasp Okori, the actual timing to do something with it is as it is happening, not after you realize it is happening. If you strike after the realization, you will be too late and the strike does not really count.

Strategy and Mindset

  • Miyamoto Musashi [Goodreads_Miyamoto Quotes]
    • Do nothing which is of no use.
    • When your opponent is hurrying recklessly, you must act contrarily and keep calm.  You must not be influenced by the opponent.
    • The important thing in strategy is to suppress the enemy’s useful actions but allow his useless actions.
    • In the strategy of my school, keep your body and mind straight and make your opponent go through contortions and twist about.  The essence is to defeat him in the moment when, in his mind, he is pivoting and twisting.
    • When you and your opponent are fighting and nothing is going right, nor is there progress, be of a mind to throw off your former intention and start entirely anew.  Take on another rhythm and see your way to victory. … you should change your mind on the spot and take the victory by using another tactic.
  • Unless you can follow your opponent’s eye movement with absolute calm, whatever you may have learned about sword handling will be of no use. – Yagyu Munenori [Yagyu_SwordMind, p. 71]:
  • When trying to beat the opponent by attacking him at the left side of his sword (ura), cast your eyes on the right side of his sword (omote). If you do the opponent will defend his right side and leave his left side undefended.
  • (F)rom the moment we stand up from sonkyo; instead of a “let’s wait and see what happens” attitude we should be fizzing like a piece of magnesium in water, looking for an opportunity to strike. When we find that opportunity we should explode, accelerating after we strike and taking our determination into zanshin. – Geoff Salmon (7th Dan) [KendoInfo_Kihaku2].
  • Once you are prepared to be hit, you can completely see the movement of your opponent’s in-coming strike.  When you can completely see the opponent’s movements and do an abundance of proper keiko on a daily basis, your body will react naturally and your strike will come out naturally. … If you try to hit without being hit, you will first react to the opponent’s movement in fear of being hit, cloud your own mind, and end up being hit in return [Youshinkan_StudyRoom].
    • 打たれてもよいと覚悟が決まったら、相手の打ってくる動作の全てが見えます。相手の動作が全て見えてくると、日ごろ正しい稽古を沢山積んでいれば、身体が自然に反応し自分の打ちが自然に出ます。… 打たれずに打ってやろうと思うと、まず、打たれまいとビクビク相手の動きに反応してしまい、自分で自分の心を曇らせ、返って打たれる結果になります。
  • Tominaga Sensei taught me not to rush my strikes during practice. Not rushing strikes and waiting for the opponent’s strike are vastly different. – Saito Yuichi (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_SaitoOpps]
  • Don’t live for kendo or by kendo but with kendo. – Kiyoshi Hao (7 Dan)
  • Be brave but not stupid, be watchful but not passive.  – Susan Zau sensei.
  • From [Hakudo_WhyMen?]
    • Editor’s Note:  This translation may be off somewhat.
    • In kendo, there’s a teaching “Do not hit to win, but win to hit.”  Rather than (winning) a point by chance from striking each other randomly, grasp the opportunity to strike.   I think that the purpose behind the principles of waza (techniques) in kendo is not in the strike (datotsu) itself nor even in valuing the “strike” (portion) performed with all one’s strength at the right opportunity.  But rather, the purpose is in seizing the opportunity to strike.
      • 剣道には「打って勝つな、勝って打て」という教えがあります。互いの乱打戦から偶然当たった一本よりも、打突の機を見定め、そこを捉えて打った渾身の一打を評価するのも、剣道の技法における目的が打突そのものにあるのではなく、打突の機を捉えることにあると考えることで理解できるのではないかと思います。

Studying the Opponent

  • Iwashita Tomohisa (7th dan) [KendoJidai_IwashitaOpps]
    • I’m not pressuring my opponent with the intention of seizing an opportunity. My first priority is to move my opponent.
    • For example, you can pressure the center to put pressure on your opponent, or you could use your legs to suddenly close the distance. How does your opponent react to these moves? By watching your opponent’s reaction to your Seme several times you will be able to strike. 
    • I think that some people try to force the Seme pattern that they are most comfortable with on their opponents, but I have a large amount of patterns that I can use in accordance with the reactions of my opponent. If one pattern doesn’t work, I will try another one … in order to make my opponent move.
      • There are various ways to move your opponent. One way is to move straight forward while keeping your Kensen in the center. Another way is to hit or push your opponent’s Shinai. You can also use your feet to close the distance. It is important to have various ways of applying Seme.
    • What is important here is whether you are in Aiki with your opponent or not. If you are not in a state of Aiki, your Seme will not reach your opponent, so it is absolutely essential that you take the initiative.
  •  Saito Yuichi (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_SaitoOpps]
    • One of the things I prioritize when trying to create openings against my opponent is engaging in an exchange of Seme from where swords touch. I make sure to observe my opponent’s reactions while turning my Kensaki to the left and right.  Will they push back when I press from the right? Will they defend their Kote when I attack from the left? Or will they not be affected at all?  Depending on my opponent’s response, my Seme and striking techniques change.  Once I have a sense of my opponent’s reaction, I think about which technique I should use from my repertoire of techniques.
    • Quoting Nakata Sensei:  “Everyone who challenges the eighth Dan exam has good posture and Kamae. Even if you start striking on cue from there, you won’t be able to hit your opponent. You need to explore your opponent with various methods of Seme.
  • Yagisawa Makoto (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_YagisawaOpps]
    • It is important to understand the Maai from which you can and cannot hit and from which you can and cannot get hit.

On Moving in (to Uchima)

  • Iwashita Tomohisa (7th dan) [KendoJidai_IwashitaOpps]
    • When moving from Shokujin to Kojin (the point where your Shinai cross), your opponent will also be able to strike. It is important to do things such as pushing your opponent Shinai with your Shinai in order to stop your opponent from creating a situation from which they can strike.

When to Strike

  • Saburo Iwatate (8 dan Hanshi) [Whitebelt_8DanExam].
    • When you put pressure on an opponent, they get scared and negative emotions well up – the four obstacles of surprise, fear, doubt and indecision.  When those four appear in your opponent, that’s the best time to strike. – at 7:53 min.
    • The judges won’t be impressed if you strike at the wrong time no matter what you do.  There are specific opportunities to strike such as catching the opponent as they come forward or forcing an attack as they drop back. – at 10:49 min.
  • Using Kan (Intuitive Perception) by Noma Hisashi [Noma, pp. 50-51]
    • At the moment  of  a  bolt  of  lightening,  the  thunder  is released;  at  the  moment  of  seeing  an  opportunity  to  strike,  already  the  opportunity  no  longer  exists
    • Therefore at  the moment  of  being  aware  of  the  existence of  an  opportunity  one  must  already  have launched in to attack it. 
      • (That) One must strike on the ‘T’ of There and upon the ‘H’ of Here is what we are taught. 
    • How are we to manage this?  The answer lies ultimately in the use of  Kan. 
      • When  one  possesses  Kan,  chances  for  attack  project  themselves  as  though they were reflected in a mirror.
      • An important condition for developing and sustaining Kan is the possession of a clear and unsullied mind, uninhibited by unnecessary thoughts and intentions that will only mar its effect and its magical  power  will be lost.
    • The  conditions  necessary  for  the fostering of Kan are long experience and a clear and serene frame of mind.
  • Shimamura Tsuyoshi (8 dan) [Kendojidai_Shimamura]
    • The instructors at the Metropolitan Police Department pointed out that attacking only out of your own convenience is not good. One mustn’t attack when there is no opening. If there is no opening, you must break them down or confuse them.
  • Kasamura Koji (Hanshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_KasamuraTenouchi] 
    • To catch a momentary opening in mutual Seme, you have no time to think things through. You must let your body do the work.

Opportunities to Strike

  • Furusawa Nobuaki [Kendojidai_Furusawa]
    • There aren’t many chances to make a valid strike in a single Shiai.  The higher the level, the less chances you have.
    • It is important to make sure that those few chances are met with valid strikes, and I think that one of those opportunities is to accurately capture the Debana timing.
  • Kurita Waichiro (Hanshi 8 Dan) [KendoJidai_KuritaTenouchi]
    • True technique is to strike unconsciously without pause at the moment one of these opportunities presents itself.  Opportunities do not arise if one passively waits.  It is essential to actively create these opportunities yourself by assertively pressuring your opponent with a correct posture and full spirit.
  • Hayashi Kunio (Hanshi 8th dan) [KendoJidai_HayashiOpps2]
    • In order to strike when an opportunity presents itself, we must be sufficiently prepared. We must not be swayed by the opponent.
  • Yagisawa Makoto (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_YagisawaOpps]
    • In Kendo, we speak of the three opportunities (Sukima): openings in Kamae, gaps in movement and instability of the mind. I think trying to recognize these weaknesses in your daily Keiko will change the way you view Kendo.
    • A Keiko where you are tuned in to the opponent and trying to find the weaknesses that are your chance to strike will feel refreshing, even if you got hit.  A Keiko where you are not tuned in to the opponent will feel unfulfilling.
  • Shimamura Tsuyoshi (8 dan) [Kendojidai_Shimamura]
    • Of the three opportunities, the opening in Kamae and opening of the mind are very hard to detect in players of the same age and ability. However, openings in movement always appear, even with highly skilled practitioners. That’s why I felt it was necessary to first study openings in movement. 
    • In order to seize opportunities, I believe that it is important that you are always ready to strike. Opponents rarely show an opening in matches, and even when they do, it is only for an instant.


Tame (TBD)


For those unfamiliar with the concept of hikidashi, this article [KendoNotes_Hikidasu] describes it.

  • Hayashi Kunio (Hanshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_HayashiOpps2]
    • I tried to think of (another) way to approach Maai. I would get closer without creating my own Uchi-ma. In other words, rather than striking, I created a Maai that encouraged my opponent to attack. In order to encourage your opponent to attack, you shouldn’t make them feel pressed. Instead, you should put them into a good mental state. However, for opponents who don’t attack, I would proactively strike them in order to encourage them to attack.


  • If you make an effort to relax before striking, strike with abandon, and move naturally into a focused and stable posture after striking then, eventually, you will acquire True Zanshin. Mitsuhashi Hidezo from [Kenshi247_Zanshin].

Mushin (Mind of No Mind)

Sicknesses and Cures (of the Mind)

  • Yagyu Munenori (a Swordsman from the 16th Century):
    • From [Yagyu_SwordMind, p. 72]:
      • It is a disease to be obsessed by the thought of winning, …by the thought of employing your swordsmanship, … by the thought of using everything you have learned, and … by the thought of attacking. 
      • It is also a disease to be obsessed and stuck with the thought of ridding yourself of any of these diseases.  A disease here is an obsessed mind that dwells on one thing.
      • Because all these diseases are your mind, you must get rid of them to put your mind in order.
    • On Curing the Diseases from [Yagyu_SwordMind, p. 72]:
      • “Remove a wedge with a wedge.”
        • When a wedge cannot be pulled out, you can pull it out by hammering another alongside it, thereby loosening it (the first wedge).  When the first wedge is pulled out, the second one that was hammered in will not be left.
        • Similarly, when a disease is gotten rid of, the wish to get rid of the diease will not be left.
      • In the final stage, the state of having no thought whatsoever of ridding oneself a disease helps get rid of it.
    • Experts in various arts and skills may not be called masters (meijin) as long as they remain attached to what they do.
  • Inoue Yoshinori (7 Dan)
    • While batting away negative thoughts, hold on to the right thoughts.  Strike when an opportunity arises due to negative thoughts arising in the opponent (e.g. shikai: surprise, fear, doubt, confusion) or due to his/her inadequacies in the ways of the sword or body.  Or strike and receive to discover areas of inadequacies (in your own technique, in yourself) that you were not aware of.  Together, guiding ourselves in the right direction has to be the point of doing keiko in kendo.

      • 「邪念を打ち払いながら正念をもって、お相手の邪念をはたまた刀法、身法の未熟によって生ずる、隙を打突し、また打突して頂き自分では気がつかない未熟の点を知らめ合い、互いに正しい方向に導き合うことが剣道の稽古の状態ではなければならに」
  • Nakayama Hakudo from [Kenshi247_27sayings].
    • The idea of victory or defeat must first be removed from your thoughts before you are able to perceive properly; therefore the more you become absorbed in victory the less chance you will be able to grasp it. Consequently, if you forget about winning, victory will come naturally.
  • Yagisawa Makoto (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_YagisawaOpps]
    • If you are afraid of getting hit, you remove your ability to strike with conviction.  No matter how many times you practice incomplete techniques like this in daily Keiko, you will not be able to make the decisive point when it matters most. Getting hit is not a bad thing; the difference from practicing with Sutemi is actually very small, and getting hit will teach you about recognizing valid and invalid opportunities.

On the Journey and Spirit (心 kokoro)

  • The concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the sword.All-Japan Kendo Federation
  • The primary secret to reaching the inner depths of swordsmanship is found in the cultivation of the soul and the spirit. – Mochida Seiji (10th dan) [Kensh247_Judan]
  • Takano Hiromasa (Hanshi) in “Keys to improvement in kendo” from [Kenshi247 _Hiromasa]:
    • The first and most essential thing you must develop to improve your kendo is your emotional strength, that is, to have an indomitable spirit.
    • Don’t put too much importance on winning or losing.
    • Like the well known phrase “turn a failure into a success” suggests, being struck is a chance to learn: “why was I strike(d) then?”
  • Yamaoka Tesshu (19th century swordsman)
    • People believe that the reason for mastering swordsmanship is to be able to cut down one’s enemies. For myself, however I seek to master swordsmanship because through it I seek divine principle. If once I attain this, my heart will be as still water, calm and quite, like a clear mirror lucid and bright, able to cope instantly with any situation. . . . [Noma, PDF p.9].
    • Yamaoka asserted … that improvement of the qualities of a swordsman required more than just a technical improvement but the cultivation of the mind  [Takemura_Yamaoka, PDF p. 9].
  • Katsu Kaishu
    • What I really practiced hard was the sword, nothing else.  I practiced swordsmanship everyday and every night at a near by shrine.  At night, I sat on the stone at the front of the shrine, closed my eyes and meditated to cultivate fortitude.  Then I stood up, wielded a wooden sword, and then sat down again to train my mind. Sword practice and meditation in turn, every night. [Takemura_Yamaoka, PDF p. 7]
  • The social roles of samurai and Zen priest alike are, for the sake of principle, to give relief to all living things. – Teruo Oboki, [Oboki Philosophy]

Etiquette (reigi)

  • I believe that all the world starts with love and ends with love. – Ota Hirotaka sensei (at the age of 102) [Mitsubushi_Hirotaka]
    • 私の考えは全ての世の中は愛に始まって愛に終わります。大田ひろたか先生 (102歳)
  • Geoff Salmon (7 dan)
    • It (reigi) is a fundamental expression of our regard for others and without it kendo turns into a brawl with sticks. – Geoff Salmon [Kendoinfo_Reiho]
    • Reigi, however accurate, is useless unless it is sincere. [Kendoinfo_Reigi]
    • Reigi is not a one way street. We should show equal respect to seniors and juniors because we learn from our practice with both. [Kendoinfo_Reigi]
  • If you keiko with compassion and gratitude at all times then once keiko is finished you will naturally say ‘thank you.’ Ota Tadanori (Hanshi, 8 dan) [Kenshi247_Rei]
  • When doing sonkyo,… imagine that you are dropping down into still water and don’t want to cause a splash or lots of waves. – Yukiko Takami (6 dan) at the 3rd AUSKF Women’s Seminar, July 14-15, 2018 (Thanks to Susan Zau sensei).
  • Any grain, as it grows and matures, bows its head.  – 벼는 익을수록 고개를 숙이다.  – Korean proverb

Character, Wisdom

  • Three of Nakayama Hakudo‘s twelve most important sayings (juni-kun)  [Dann, PDF p. 220] (The complete list can be found at[Kenshi247_27sayings]):
    • In kendo, if you know only your own strength but not that of the opponent, you cannot resolve to win. 
    • Also, if you know only the weakness of the opponent without knowing your own – you will certainly lose – this is fundamental.
    • If you win, it’s not because of your own strength but because of a weakness, an “opening” in the opponent.  If you lose, it’s not because of your opponent’s strength, it’s because of your own “opening or weakness”.
  • The sword itself is a teacher.  It is straight (masugu), sharp (surudoi), pure (kiyoi), and bright (akarui) – just the desired qualities of our mind and soul. – Nishino Shokichi, Mito, Ibaraki [Dann, PDF p. 227] with attribution via footnote 5 [Dann, PDF p. 257].
  • The sword follows the hand,  The hand follows the heart,  The heart follows the Law (Ho),  The Law follows God (kami).  If you neglect to practice, The sword forgets the hand, The hand forgets the heart, The heart forgets the Law and The Law forgets God. Nakayama Hakudo [Dann, PDF p. 228].
  • The budo are the most dangerous of the Japanese arts of self-cultivation.  They deal with potentially violent and primitive emotions which, although common to all humans, must be trained.  We all have the same instincts, but our potential becomes different through the degree and quality of our training. – Otake Ritsuke, Shihan of the Katori Shinto Ryu [Dann, PDF p. 238] with attribution via footnote 21 [Dann, PDF p. 257].

Additional Topics


  • Shigematsu Kimiaki (Kyoshi 8-dan)
    • From [Shudokai_2016]
      • The kendo that you show in a grading should be your normal kendo, not a type of kendo only for gradings. 
      • Practice makes perfect only practising things perfectly.  Attention to detail is vital.
      • (W)hen moving into the koha (where the shinai‘s are crossed from shokujin where they are not crossed), this is the distance at which you are likely to stiffen up and suffer from one of the “shikai”, or four sickenesses.

      • Perhaps the biggest “sickness” is “uchitai, uchitai” (I want to strike, I want to strike), and this is the most common problem in grading.
    • From [Shigematsu_KendoMind]
      • An examination is about seme – the process of applying pressure and controlling the opposition. – (Words intended for advanced level examinations, I believe)
      • (J)udges will evaluate your overall performmance.  This includes your attire, reiho (etiquette), posture, maai (distance and timing), seme (applying pressure to create openings), striking opportunities, zanshin (post-strike physical and psychological alertness), and so forth.
  • Grading is not about datotsu.  It’s about what happens until the strike is made, or until the waza is executed. – Tahara Hironori (Hanshi 8 dan)
  • Toshikhiko Kawaguchi (Kyoshi 7 dan, Iaido Hanshi 8 dan) [Kawaguchi]
    • Try to not mix up your reasons/goal (Mokuteki) with objectives (Mokuhyô). The reason/goal of your practice is “The evolution of your human behaviour through the practice (Shûren) and respect of the sword principles”. 
    • The final goal should not be replaced by objectives like passing an examination or winning a competition.  All those objectives are only steps you have to go through (milestones) to reach the bigger goal/reason.
  • In response to the question:  “What was the key … in your daily practice (to pass the 8 dan shinsa)?”
    • A lot of people say this but I also practiced Shodachi during normal practice, with everyone. – Iwao Yukuo (8 dan) (Shodachi is the first strike 初太刀)
  • Iwatate Saburo, (Hanshi 8th dan) [Kendojidai_IwatateKihon1]:
    • It is said that a true duel should be faced as if it were Keiko, and Keiko should be faced as if it were a true duel. The former in particular is not easy, but doing the latter should make this principle accessible.
    • Doing Keiko without letting your mind wander from start to finish is painful and puts a lot of stress on the left leg and other parts of the body. However, in order to maintain your focus during the examination, you have to do Keiko with a sense of tense immersion.

Breakdown of a Kendo Match

  • A Kendo match is a repetition of having correct posture and Kamae, entering the appropriate distance, facing and pressuring the opponent to create an opportunity, and instantly striking as this opportunity arises. – Hayashi Kunio (Hanshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_HayashiOpps2]
  • Yagisawa Makoto (Kyoshi 8 dan) [KendoJidai_YagisawaOpps]
    • The All Japan Kendo Federation … define(s) the kinetic elements for a valid Kihon Ippon as Kamae – Seme – Datotsu (strike) – Zanshin, performed as one continued set.
    • In order to perform a successful strike in this continued set of movements, Kenshi must notice or predict very small gaps in their opponent’s Kendo as both Kenshi are setting up for their attack.
      • This means a Kenshi cannot simply strike after they (think they) apply their own Seme; they must read and grasp their opponent’s physical and mental state correctly before attacking.
    • In other words, an attack in Kendo is constructed by the four elements defined by the All Japan Kendo Federation, as well as the psychological factor of “recognizing opportunities” that occurs between Seme and Datotsu.
    • I want you to raise your level from Kamae – Datotsu to Kamae – Seme – Datotsu, and finally to Kamae – Seme – reading the situation – Datotsu.
      • Reading the situation means to create sufficient Tame and to keep calm restraint.
      • If you can make this part of your standard awareness for Kendo, you will become skillful at drawing the opponent out so they walk into your Waza.

Aging in Kendo

  • As I become older I move more slowly, but I also see my opponent’s movement more slowly. – Kikuchi Koichi sensei from [KendoInfo_Older].
  • As you age you will lose to those more physically powerful than you. Use your partners power against them, and win through technique. – Ogawa Kinosuke (10th dan) [Kensh247_Judan]
  • Mochida Moriji (Hanshi 10th dan) on practicing beyond the age of 50.
    • From [Wiki_Mochida] in Japanese
      • 私は剣道の基礎を体で覚えるのに五十年かかった。
      • 私の剣道は五十を過ぎてから本当の修行に入った。心で剣道しようとしたからである。
      • 六十歳になると足腰が弱くなる。この弱さを補うのは心である。心を働かして弱点を強くするように努めた。
      • 七十歳になると身体全体が弱くなる。こんどは心を動かさない修行をした。心が動かなくなれば、相手の心がこちらの鏡に映ってくる。心を静かに動かされないよう努めた。
      • 八十歳になると心は動かなくなった。だが時々雑念が入る。心の中に雑念を入れないように修行している。
    • English translation can be found at [Reddit_Mochida50]

Kendo Teachers

Ogawa Chutaro (Hanshi 9 dan)

For a treasure trove of kendo quotes from Ogawa Sensei and learning more about Ogawa Sensei, I’d highly recommend this article with quotes translated by George McCall Sensei [Kenshi247_100Keiko].

  • Here’s a couple of quotes from [Kenshi247_100Keiko]:
    • If you take uwadachi (a position where your shinai is above your opponents) and your opponents steps in, tsuki them. If they stop back, strike their men. If they raise their shinai up, strike their kote or dou. If they try to strike you, execute an oji-waza.  Study how to react to anything in an instant.
    • Whether facing someone more or less experienced than you, your feeling should be the same. … When facing a junior person don’t face them lightly, instead face them like you would in a real competition.
  • From the chapter titles of the book [Ogawa_HyakuKaiKeiko] referred to in [Kenshi247_100Keiko]:
    • The heart should be one and the same during usual times and during emergencies.
      • 常の時と非常の時とその心を一にすべし
    • The arch enemy of kendo is the self.   Translation from [Kenshi247_100Keiko]:
      • 剣道の大敵は自己也

Matsumoto Toshio, (Hanshi 9 dan) [KendoInfo_MatsumotoAim]

  • … kendo must be practised with the extreme instability of mind that would occur if you were facing life or death.
  • …in order to be always ready to give an instant strike without missing any proper chances to attack whilst still keeping a perfect defence position, you must master the techniques and skills of kendo.  These however, can only be well performed when you maintain a calmness of mind which enables you to fully display your trained technique.
  • Therefore, it is the true aim of kendo practise not only to try to improve your technique, but also to train your mind and spirit to find the rightness of mind (“no mind” / mushin), so that your mind, which is the source of the technique; will not be bound by anything.
  • A strike should not be made recklessly, but you should strike when the opponent’s mind is disturbed.
  • Unless you are constantly in full spirit, keeping your mind calm and open, you cannot instantly strike your opponent off-guard, even when his spirit is no longer alert.
  • If your mind is innocent (free of preconception), you can see through all your opponents actions and strike freely without any hesitation, catching every available chance.

Morishima Tateo (Hanshi 8 dan) [Kenshi247_Morishima5]

  • First, “if there is no opening, don’t attack.”  If there is no opening and you attack, you are opening yourself up and may be struck yourself. … Next, if there is no opening, you must make an opening by breaking them (kuzushi), then attack.
  • Do “rational kendo” and “kendo without waste.” … and bit-by-bit remove needless attacks. … By removing needless attacks from your kendo bit-by-bit your kendo will grow.
  • are you putting KIAI (i.e. your full effort) into your daily pursuit?  If you do your utmost at all times then the mirror in your heart will surely open.

Inoue Yoshihiko (Hanshi 8 dan) 井上義彦 (範士 八段)

  • From the very beginning, from the time that we were born, we come to this “road” of life with a very pure heart, but in the process of growing up and coming of age, there are a lot of effects on our lives, things that we learn and the understanding that we come to have, and in this way, that pure heart of ours, we can say, becomes soiled or takes on some mistaken understanding about the meaning of life.  With time and the impact of the events that have occurred in our lives, some troubles accumulate in our hearts – some misunderstandings, confusion, illusions. However, we must have the desire and spirit to refresh ourselves, renew ourselves, and regain that purity: this is the meaning and purpose of our study of kendo. [Inoue_DojoMeaning].

Links to Additional Quotes (from External Sites)


[Abeni_FloatingLog] アベニ1268, “The Teaching of the Floating Log”  浮き木の教え, RakutenBlog, Sept 26, 2009.

[Boylan_Slow] Peter Boylan, “When It Comes to Training, Fast is Slow and Slow is Fast,” The Budo Bum, July 30, 2014.

[Bushizo_SuenoCenter]【解説動画】主要タイトル全制覇 範士八段・末野栄二先生の剣道理論 「剣先・中心のとり方, (4:43 mins), May 27, 2021.

[Dann] Jeffrey Lewis Dann, Kendo in Japanese Martial Culture: Swordsmanship as Self-Cultivation, Ph.D. Thesis, March 3, 1978, University of Washington. (PDF, 311 pages)

[FLKWW_Sumi] Sumi Masatake, “On the Occasion of the Publication” Fine Ladies Kendo Worldwide (FLKWW), 1st Article, Feb. 15, 2021.

[Goodreads_MiyamotoQuotes] “A Book of Five Ring Quotes.”

[Hakudoh_Center] “How to take the center,” 中心の取り方, はくどー庵,

[Hakudoh_Posture] Posture in Kendo (剣道の姿勢, はくどー庵)

[Hakudoh_Sae] “The Principle of the sae in datotsu,” 打突の冴えの原理,

[Hakudo_WhyMen?] “[2] Why strike men in kendo?”[2]剣道はなぜ面を打つのか?,

[Hatena_SuburiUp] 素振りの効果をアップさせる秘訣 2020-02-28

[Hashimoto_Suburi] 構えと素振り, Feb. 1, 2020 (16:00 mins)

[Holt_KendoGuide] Terry Holt, Kendo – Beginners Guide (PDF, 52 pages), 2014.

[Ichiki_DebanaMen] 木鶏の応用【その一】出ばな面 (4:02 mins)

[Ichiki_TakingCenter]【庸玄の部屋 #107】中心の取り方について(手元が硬い、柔らかい相手) (2:07 mins), Jan. 28, 2021. 

[Inoue_DojoMeaning] “The meaning of dojo – Inoue Yoshihiko hanshi,”, Posted by Sam Tsai on October 21, 2008

[Ishido] Shizufumi Ishido “Can you perform “Ni-ku, San-ke”? Devote yourself to acquiring Shu,” Article taken from the book The Eyes of the Iaido Grading Panelist (Iaido Shinsa-in no Me).

[Kawaguchi] Toshikhiko Kawaguchi (Hanshi), “Is the Kokoro (Spirit) of the candidate as strong as the one of the shinsain (Judge)?”  Article taken from the book The Eyes of the Iaido Grading Panelist (Iaido Shinsa-in no Me), British Kendo Association.

[Kendo-Guide_Muscles] Comments for “Which muscles are used primarily in kendo, and can they be trained through isolation exercises in a gym?”, 2010.

[KendoChuudoku_Enzan] “剣道の目付について考えよう!遠山(えんざん)の目付って何?”  剣道 中毒 (Let’s think about metsuke in kendo!  What is gazing at the far-away mountain?” Kendo Addiction).

[KendoInfo_Kihaku2] Geoff Salmon, “Kihaku”,, June 29, 2015.

[KendoInfo_LeftFoot] Geoff Salmon, “Left foot position in kendo,”, July 20, 2015.

[KendoInfo_MatsumotoAim] Geoff Salmon, “The Aim of Kendo – by Matsumoto Toshio, Hanshi Kyudan,”, Feb 3, 2011.

[KendoInfo_MatsumotoFootwork] Geoff Salmon, “More on Footwork,”, Aug 24, 2015.

[KendoInfo_Moment] Geoff Salmon, “Getting lost in the moment,”, May 12, 2014.

[KendoInfo_Older] Geoff Salmon, “Grading examinations for older kendoka,”, Feb 11, 2013.

[Kendoinfo_Reigi] Geoff Salmon, “Reigi,”, July 8, 2008.

[Kendoinfo_Reiho] Geoff Salmon, “Repetitive Reiho,”, Nov 2, 2015.

[KendoInfo_Shodachi] Geoff Salmon, “All together now,”, Dec 28, 2015.

[Kendoinfo_utarete-kanshya] Geoff Salmon, “Utarete Kanshya,”, June 23, 2014.

[KendoJidai_Footwork] “Young Kendo professionals reveal their footwork,” Kendo Jidai International, Dec. 21, 2020.

[Kendojidai_Furusawa] Furusawa Nobuaki, “Full preparation of the left foot: Be aware of your right knee and master Seme-ashi,” Kendojidai, 10/12/2020.

[KendoJidai_HayashiOpps1] “Find the three opportunities and strike (Hayashi Kunio)”, Kendo Jidai International, Feb. 20, 2023.

[KendoJidai_HayashiOpps2] “Find the three opportunities and strike (Hayashi Kunio) Part 2,” Kendo Jidai International, Feb. 27, 2023.

[Kendojidai_Higashi] Higashi Yoshimi Sensei’s Kendo Lesson|東良美の剣道授業, KendoJidai [1/2] (8:01 mins and at the 2:54 min mark)

[KendoJidai_HigashiTenouchi] “Tenouchi and Sae (Higashi Yoshimi), KendoJidai,” Sept 5, 2022.

[Kendojidai_IshiharaRead] Ishihara Kazuyuki “Read the movements in your opponent’s body and mind (Ishihara Kazuyuki)”, Kendojidai, July 1, 2022.

[KendoJidai_IshiharaRemoving] “Removing unnecessary force from your Kendo (Ishihara Kazuhiko),” KendoJidai, July 3, 2023.

[Kendojidai_ItoHarufumi] Ito Harufumi, “Read the movements in your opponent’s body and mind (Ito Harufumi),” KendoJidai, June 20, 2022. 

[Kendojidai_Iwao] “Interview with Yukuo Iwao sensei on Passing 8th Dan,” By Kobayashi Hideo (translated by Kazuyo Matsuda), Kendojidai March 2010.

[Kendojidai_IwatateKihon1] Iwatate Saburo, “High Quality Kihon Keiko, part 1 (Iwatate Saburo),” Kendojidai, Feb. 21, 2022.

[KendoJidai_Kamei1] “Kamei Toru: Effective Seme (Kamae) | 亀井徹先生 効果的な攻め「構え」[1/2],” KendoJidai, Jul 14, 2021, (6:57 mins).

[KendoJidai_KasamuraTenouchi]  “Tenouchi and sharpness of strikes (Kasamura Koji),” KendoJidai, Aug 29, 2022.

[KendoJidai_KodaTenouchi] Tenouchi and sharpness of strikes (Koda Kunihide),” KendoJidai, Oct. 17, 2022.

[KendoJidai_KuritaTenouchi] “Clear Tenouchi and Strikes (Kurita Waichiro),” KendoJidai, Sept 12, 2023.

[KendoJidai_Miyato] Miyato Nobuyuki, “The role of legs in Yūkōdatotsu,” KendoJidai, May 18, 2020.

[KendoJidai_OkoriPart1] “Making use of Okori (Young Kenshi) part 1,” KendoJidai, July 4, 2022.

[KendoJidai_OkoriPart2] “Making use of Okori (Young Kenshi) part 2,” KendoJidai, July 25, 2022.

[KendoJidai_Onda] Kouji Onda, “The essence of kamae that leads to seme and tame,” KendoJidai, Feb. 1, 2019.

[KendoJidai_PerfectMen] Nabeyama Takahiro (Kyoshi 8 dan) “How to Hit the Perfect Men,” KendoJidai, July 1, 2018.

[KendoJidai_SaitoOpps] “Find the three opportunities to strike (Saito Yuichi),” Kendo Jidai International, April 3, 2023.

[Kendojidai_Sekikawa] Sekikawa Tadaaki, “Read the movements in your opponent’s body and mind (Sekikawa Tadaaki),” Kendojidai, June 27, 2022.

[Kendojidai_Shimamura] “Find the three opportunities and strike (Shimamura Tsuyoshi),” Kendo Jidai, Feb. 6, 2023.

[KendoJidai_TaniKamae] Tani Katsuhiko: Strong Kamae |谷勝彦 良い構え [1/2], KendoJidai, Aug. 18, 2021 (10:03 mins).

[Kendojidai_Watanabe] Watanabe Kazuteru (6th Dan), “Making use of Okori (Young Kenshi) part 2,” KendoJidai, July 25, 2022.

[KendoJidai_YagisawaOpps] Find the three opportunities and strike (Yagisawa Makoto),” Kendo Jidai International, Feb. 13, 2023.

[KendoNihon_Yamada] 「山田範士の跳び込み面」、剣道日本, p。39、3、2020.

[KendoNotes_HealingKendo3] Healing Kendo (癒しの剣道) by Nakamura Sensei – Part 3,, Oct 9, 2016.

[KendoNotes_Hikidasu] “A Study of Hikidasu 引き出す- Drawing out the Opponent,”, Sept. 19, 2016.

[KendoNotes_KaeshiDou] Men Kaeshi-Dou (面返し胴) – Quotes and Resources,, Oct 9, 2023.

[KendoNotes_LargeStrongFastLight] “Kirikaeshi and “Large, Strong, Fast, Light (大強速軽)” – from a Seminar by Kamei Sensei,”, March 30, 2019. 

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[KendoStepUp_Debana] 剣道【英語・日本語】Kendo in ENGLISH & JAPANESE Four chances to hit, and win! “debana”_ここを打てば試合で勝てる!「出ばな編」(11:44 mins), May 4, 2020. 

[KendoWorld_Fumikomi] KendoWorld, “Tip of the Week – Fumikomi,” March 18, 2012 (6:37mins).

[Kenshi247_27sayings] George McCall,27 teachings from past masters (訓導二十七ヶ条:内藤・高野・中山),”, Oct 2, 2018. 

[Kenshi247_100Keiko] George McCall, “One Hundred Keiko,”, Dec. 6, 2019.

[Kenshi247_Hiromasa] George McCall, Translation of “Takano Hiromasa’s keys to improvement in kendo,” 高野弘正先生の「上達の秘訣」,, Dec 11, 2015.

[Kenshi247_Judan] George McCall, “Kendo judan 十段 ,”, July 3, 2015.

[Kenshi247_Kamae] George McCall, “Kamae equation,”, Nov 2011.

[Kenshi247_Morishima5] George McCall, “From “Pursuing the spirit and modern kendo (part 5),”, March 30, 2011.

[Kenshi247_Rei] George McCall, “The kendo practitioner and rei (etiquette),”, May 21, 2018.

[Kenshi247_Takano50] George McCall, “Takano Shigeyoshi hanshi’s 50 pointers for kendo keiko,”, April 7, 2014.

[Kenshi247_Zanshin] George McCall, “Zanshin, confusion, sutemi and hikiage,”, Feb. 16, 2018.

[Kishimoto] Chihiro Kishimoto, ” Do you embody the meaning of the Waza (technique / form)?” Article taken from the book The Eyes of the Iaido Grading Panelist (Iaido Shinsa-in no Me)

[Koda_Footwork] Kendo Basics【FOOTWORK】Kouda Kunihide 8th Dan // 基本動作【足さばき】香田郡秀八段 ・ 剣道授業 , Dec. 11, 2019, (4:15 mins)

[Koda_Fumikomi] Kendo Basics【FUMIKOMI】Kouda Kunihide 8th Dan // 基本動作【踏み込み足】香田郡秀八段 ・剣道授業 – YouTube (2:41 mins)

[Koda_Grip] Kouda Kunide 8th Dan – Kendo Lessons, Basic Movements:  How to Grip the Shinai, Kendo Jidai International, Dec 8, 2019 (Second of Six Lessons).

[Koda_KaeshiDou2] 剣道指導法 すり上げ技、返し技、打ち落し技 (Koda Kunihide Sensei teaching Kaeshi-Dou at 9:26 to 13:48 mins of 22:02 mins)  This video apperas to have been removed.

[Koda_MenOjiWaza] “Kendo Basics【ŌJI WAZA AGAINST MEN】Kouda Kunihide 8th Dan,” Dec. 18, 2019, (6:19 mins)

[Koda_PostureKamae] Kouda Kunihide 8th Dan – Kendo Lessons, Basic Movements:  Posture and Kamae Kendo Jidai International, Dec. 4, 2019 (First of Six Lessons).

[Koda_ShinsaDVD] Koda Kunihide (Kyoshi 8 dan), “Kendo Promotion Shinsa – Program” (剣道昇段審査・対策プログラム【教士八段 香田郡秀監修】) (in Japanese with no subtitles)

[Koyama_Sae] “Koyamakendo 足で出す冴え What is “Sae” Jan. 12, 2024 (5:47 mins)

[Mastery_Greene]  “Robert Greene:  Mastery & Research,”, Jan 25, 2017.

[Matsuzaki_TobikomiMen] 【第68回 全日本剣道選手権出場記念】松﨑賢士郎選手の飛び込み面講座(茨城県代表)#10  (8:47 mins)

[Mitsubushi_Hirotaka] Henry Lu, “Kendo- Hirotaka – Mitsubishi Anniversary Film,” Vimeo (2:08 mins).

[Moriyama_DebanaMen] 第68回 全日本剣道選手権出場記念】森山竜成選手出ばな面講座(神奈川県代表)#2 All Japan Competitor Moriyama Ryuusei on Debana Men – YouTubえ、May 15, 2021 、(6:55 mins)

[Musashi] Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings (五輪書 Go-Rin-no-Sho), Translation by, 1644.

[Nakamura_HealingKendo] Healing Kendo (癒しの剣道) by Nakamura Sensei – Part 3,, Oct 9, 2016.

[Noma] Noma Hisashi (1910-1939), The Kendo Reader (PDF, 55 pages)

[Oboki_Philosophy] Teruo Oboki, “Philosophy of kendo: killing sword and life living sword. Reconsider the meaning of the culture of kendo in connection with the ideas of setsunintou and katsuninken,” Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Health and Martial Arts in Interdisciplinary Approach, Poland, 2015 (PDF, 6 pages)

[Ogawa_HyakuKaiKeiko] 百回稽古 : 持田盛二範士十段-小川忠太郎範士九段 – Webcat Plus (

[Reddit_Mochida50] “Mochida Seiji Sensei’s Final Teachings,” Posted by “Kenkyuukai” on Reddit. 

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